Using play pedagogies to raise attainment in Numeracy and Maths at Second Level.
Using play pedagogies to raise attainment in Numeracy and Maths at Second Level.
Staff at the upper stages were interested in exploring how we could support the children to improve their attainment in numeracy and maths. There was a lot of staff experience and expertise across different stages/settings that we felt could be utilised so we came together as a group to explore options.
We decided to form an enquiry group and undertook professional reading into improvement methodologies/pedagogies that could be utilised.
One piece of research by Pyle and Danniels (2017)* caught our attention. It detailed a play continuum and how children's play experiences should move from child directed play to teacher directed play to account for the introduction of more explicit learning outcomes. We decided to use this as a stimulus for our enquiry.
* Pyle, A. and Danniels, E., (2017) A Continuum of Play-Based Learning: The Role of the Teacher in
Play-Based Pedagogy and the Fear of Hijacking Play. Early Education and Development, 28 (3) pp. 274–289 Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2016.1220771
There was an interruption to learning and teaching practices in each of the four classes. Published programmes of study were abandoned in favour of playful learning experiences for a period of 6 weeks.
The playful learning was planned in the following way:
Maths Project Evaluation by P7 teacher
“I have enjoyed being a part of this project as it has enabled me to focus on developing my play pedagogy and to really get in touch with my creative, innovative teaching self again. Using play pedagogy in maths has had transformational effects on my pupils; particularly those who lack in confidence and engagement with maths. One pupil who is severely dyslexic and has real struggles with reading and writing has told me how much he enjoyed the play activities and learning maths in a new, fun way which didn’t highlight his struggles with literacy. Due to his high levels of engagement, I have now been able to more accurately assess his knowledge and understanding of a range of areas in numeracy and maths. Play approaches have developed my less able pupils’ conceptual understanding whilst simultaneously improving their interpersonal skills and relationships. As a result of this study, I will continue to develop my approaches to learning through play in numeracy and maths but I will also engage in research and enquiry around how I can transfer these approaches to other areas of the curriculum – especially literacy and English to meet the needs of my main spotlight learner.”
Stenhousemuir Primary School, Rae Street, Stenhousemuir, Larbert, UK
Carol Greig