Sparklesocks: The Class Fairy that developed our Literacy skills.
Sparklesocks: The Class Fairy that developed our Literacy skills.
My aim for the work that I carried out with my P1/2 composite class was to improve their engagement in Literacy. At the start of the school year, I noticed that when it came to our topic work and Literacy lessons, children weren't engaging as much as I would like them to. During Play Led learning opportunities, children were actively playing and learning in the other areas of the classroom but avoided the writing and phonics spaces set up. Even when they had been refreshed following feedback from the children, they weren't engaging or accessing them for the intended learning or purpose. I decided to create a magical hook for the children through a class fairy named Sparklesocks to see if this had any impact.
I decided to create a class fairy called Sparklesocks as at the time our topic was Fairyland. She has then become the key driver for our work in all aspects of the Curriculum throughout the year. She writes letters to the children every week to tell them about their work for that week and to set them secret missions. She introduces the children to their 'Book of the week' with some clues and leaves them some magical play provocations to explore. The children like to tell everyone that enters the classroom about her and are often sharing stories or thoughts about seeing her or spotting any places around school that she could be hiding. Sparklesocks became a comfort for many children during home learning too as I was able to use an app to send them video messages of her flying around my own home as well as the classroom. Some families also continued the idea at home by downloading the same Fairy recording app and enjoyed creating some magic at home. It created a continuous link between home and school for many of the children as they often shared stories in our Google Meets of adventures they had together or letters they had received/written to her.
Message Centre: To encourage the children to write more independently during play, our fairy brought us a 'Message Centre". This is a pin board in our classroom that children are set simple sentence writing tasks by our fairy each week. I have attached a picture of it below. I make sure that it is something that all children will be able to answer regardless of their life/background outside of school. For example, a sentence to tell the fairy what their favourite food is. I tend to avoid news themed writing as this can create discomfort for some children. When all 20 children have answered Sparklesocks writing challenge, they get to hunt around the classroom for the hidden key to open up and unlock her box of treats. This is normally new pens, pencils, playdough or fancy writing paper. On occasion it can be an object or activity for them to complete related to our topic such as a vegetable planting kit or magical beanstalks. The children get really excited to write and make sure they are presenting it as neat as possible. They encourage each other to add on their message as quick as they can so that they can begin the hunt for the magic key. It is a lovely idea to develop children's independent writing during play. We use ORT books for reading so children are able to make links to the Magic key from the stories too. 'I Spy' Box: In addition to our Message Centre, our class Fairy brought us a Curiosity 'I Spy box'. This has supported the children to develop their own Listening and Talking skills. Children race to explore the box when it is refreshed on a Wednesday. Some children like to simply look at the box to see what they can spot, others like to write about what they can see or use it as inspiration for story writing. Some children work with a friend to play a game of 'I Spy' which supports their phonics knowledge. I have used a clear storage box to create the box and I fill it with a mixture of things from around the classroom/school that they will find exciting. I have attached a picture of what it looks like below. Themed days: Our magical Fairy also plans and sets up our classroom for themed learning days linked to our IDL topic. The children love to see what she has in store from them. This year we have had 'Fairy and Friends days', Polar explorer days, Astronaut Training days, Frog themed afternoons and a Farmers day. The day is filled with hands on active and play based provocations to engage the children. Writing Stimulus: All year the children have been exposed to examples of letters and cards through her work. This has developed into the children leading their own learning by writing stories about Sparklesocks, creating their own letters or writing cards. Some children have even started leaving her little notes hidden around the room for her to find and read. A couple of children have created their own picture books all about Sparklesocks and shared them through our class library.
Introducing Sparklesocks to the class has had lots of benefits to the children and their learning.
The link below shows some of the children sharing their thoughts and favourite things about our Fairy. https://youtu.be/S2bFwllZrps
Alva Primary School, Brook Street, Alva, UK
Gillian Crighton
Digitize Pathways in partnership with Tablet academy Scotland and Co.Lab Hub