School Travel Plan
School Travel Plan
As part of our Health and Wellbeing programme we encourage children and families to adopt active travel choices, as often as possible, when coming to school. The School Travel Plan allows us to gather relevant information about the habits of our school community and to plan and implement initiatives to address any perceived issues and increase the number of people actively travelling to school.
Encouraging children and families to consider safer routes to school is one of our aims. Our school travel plan work also allows us address the importance of:
WOW monitors are appointed annually from our senior class and these children worked alongside Donna Cromb and Christina A’Hara, our School Assistant, to develop our School Travel Plan. Donna offered training and examples from other schools to help them get started.
Families were sent questionnaires to gather current information and our local environment was studied to establish any potential issues and opportunities.
The travel plan was launched and Sustrans offered funding of £500 each year to be spent on school travel plan projects and resources. We held a competition to design a School Travel Plan logo.
We now review our School Travel Plan on an annual basis and update it depending on local circumstances and the information gathered from the school community.
Donna Cromb offers ongoing support whenever necessary, for training, ideas, motivation and encouragement.
We have a clear plan and children take responsibility for the actions within the document. The WOW monitors give out badges for children who regularly travel actively to school. They launch competitions and continue to ensure our school keeps this work moving forward.
In the long term, we will remain involved in School Travel Plan work and look to work with our community and local Authority to make continued improvements to the environment and road networks around our school. We will continue to encourage and expect children to make active travel choices as often as they can.
Gayle Penman
Digitize Pathways in partnership with Tablet academy Scotland and Co.Lab Hub