Primary sports transition festivals/learning experience's- leadership programme
Primary sports transition festivals/learning experience's- leadership programme
This process started back in 2015 and has been evaluated and developed over a number of years and still runs to this day. With the onset of COVID adjustments and allowances had to be made but the information in the all of the sections below is how this would/has normally run in our school.
As department we had large numbers of pupils picking the sports leadership courses we offered during the personal development column. We recognised that whilst these courses allowed for a variety of leadership opportunities we wanted to offer an even more meaningful experience where pupils would work closely with cluster pupils to lead festivals, deliver learning experiences in the high school, visit the primary school to deliver sessions and support extra-curricular opportunities in both settings
Staff within the department devised a programme that would see these classes/groups deliver at least four large scale festivals each school year to all cluster primaries at specific age groups. These festivals varied from year to year but included Football, Cross Country, Basketball, Dance and Rugby. Alongside this pupils would also deliver sport sessions to primary pupils either at their cluster school or within the High school. Pupils would use the skills learned in the courses alongside specific planning work to prepare and deliver these experiences. Depending on the leadership that each pupil displayed during these experience’s pupils would achieve either a level 5 or 6 SCQF Leadership award, alongside their sports or dance leader award.
Staff who were delivering these leadership courses firstly worked out the logistics of how a programme like this would run. They considered – travel arrangements, facilities, extra staff support and timetabling. Once the plan was agreed within the department and High School, it was presented to primary Headteachers and time was negotiated so all cluster primaries were included. After everything was agreed the programme was implemented as part of our course planning, timetabling and block rotations.
Increased employment opportunities.
Increase in positive destinations, attainment (at whole school level and within the faculty) and tariff points for pupils.
A more meaningful leadership course developed which increased accountability of pupils and quality of experience All of which meant we were continuing to provide exciting learning experiences which increased pupil engagement.
Continuing to build positive relationships with our cluster primary schools and provided another transition offer within our suite of whole school experiences.
Developed staff leadership due to the number who have had an active role in the development of this programme along with leading elements at cluster Headteacher meetings and liaising/negotiating time with a range of schools.
“I have really enjoyed working with the primaries, it has helped me improve my understanding of organisation and the importance of communicating clearly”
“These extra sessions provided by Braes High School pupils have been extremely enjoyable for my class. The pupils delivering the sessions have been well organised and they all work very hard to make the lessons fun and engaging”
“The pupils I have observed have all been excellent. As a result a number have went on to help with extra-curricular clubs in our primary school cluster and some have gained employment with Active schools.
“This programme has allowed pupils to put the leadership skills they have learned in a controlled class setting into practice in a range of different environments. Their commitment to improve has meant that after every session or festival there is an honest assessment of strengths and areas of developments which ensures the experience the primaries pupils receive will get even better each week.
Braes High School, Newlands Road, Brightons, Falkirk, UK
Kevin Smith
Digitize Pathways in partnership with Tablet academy Scotland and Co.Lab Hub