P7>S1 Transition Lesson Livestreams
P7>S1 Transition Lesson Livestreams
During the COVID-19 lockdowns teaching staff gained confidence in the use of Teams to deliver lessons online. Building on the experience and confidence gained as a school we reflected on the ways that Teams could continue to be used to enhance the transition process for our P7 learners across our cluster.
Through liaison with our cluster primary schools we collectively identified areas of the curriculum that the primaries were looking to develop in line with their own development priorities. The areas initially identified were Humanities, Modern Languages and Maths. Sessions are delivered by staff and S6 student ambassadors in the identified subject areas and last for around 30 minutes each. Resource are shared via the transition Teams page prior to the session.
Looking forwards we are keen to build on the relationships that have been formed between primary and secondary staff to support delivery across second and third levels of the BGE. Our Maths department have taken the lead in this area through creating a distinct channel for professional dialogue around Maths. Our Science department have lead more in person transition activities but have also utilised Teams as a means of supporting planning for Science outcomes within 1st and 2nd levels.
A cluster wide transition Teams page was set up with all of the cluster P7 teachers and relevant secondary staff. Appropriate times were agreed across the cluster for online sessions to be delivered with additional resources/materials stored in the files section of the page prior to the day of the sessions. Sessions on Antarctica (an interdisciplinary project lead by Humanities), Spanish and Maths each ran for between 6-8 weeks with one session each week.
Our P7 cohort have had an extremely positive experience or a range of curricular areas and are now better prepared for the learning approaches utilised within the high school setting. Initial positive relationships have been formed with a range of staff and we can see greater numbers of learners on track in S1 in the areas which have delivered the livestreamed sessions in P7. This innovation has also provided the opportunity for staff from both secondary and primary to collaborate, plan and evaluate the work being done.
"Children seem less anxious about going into S1 as they have an idea of learning expectations - it is not as scary as they imagined." Class Teacher
“Learners have learned about cultural differences. They have had an insight into learning at high school.” Class Teacher
“P7 have been very engaged with all the cluster livestreaming lesson. The Humanities lessons were excellent and it was good for the children to understand the different areas of humanities - geography, history, modern studies, RME- and how these are all interlinked. These lessons also linked into our writing and science moderation lessons so it truly was an interdisciplinary approach. For some of the children who have worries about High School it was good that they are meeting/interacting with teachers on a regular basis so they know faces and become familiar with teaching staff. The Spanish lessons have also been a good example of pupil ambassadors and showing the P7 children what they can aspire to in High School.” Principal Teacher
P7 Learner Views:
“I like the Humanities because we got lots of information and we knew exactly what to do”
“I have loved all the transitions and it has made me more confident for High School”
“I enjoyed the Spanish but I need more practice at pronouncing all the words. The activities were fun.”
“I really liked Humanities because they let us do an activity that is similar to the ones we will do in High School.”
West Lothian
Deans Community High School
Stephen Small