Growing Together
Growing Together
We introduced planting and growing as part of the development of our outdoor learning opportunities.
Following on from our Froebel Training we introduced planting and growing as part of our continuous provision outdoors. We use planting and growing as part of every day learning experiences, family learning opportunities, community involvement and to support transition to school.
Children are included in every step of the growing/planning/reflection journey and this is recorded through a floorbook. The children choose what they would like to grow, they sow the seeds / or plants, they care for and nurture these until they are ready to be harvested. Once they are harvested the children are invited to taste or bake with the produce -'seed to plate' and then add to the compost what they do not use - 'freedom with guidance'. The setting also share the produce with the local Sheltered Housing.
Next Steps
Sustain current practice and continue to work with primary school, community and other settings to continue to develop the planting and growing experiences.
This is developing the children's skills for life, resilience, all areas of the CfE, teamwork, Communication, motor skills (gross and fine), home learning, supports transition, community, sustainability, risk assessment, understanding of recycling, building confidence, curiosity, movement, coordination, learning about seasons, life cycles, deeper understanding about where food comes from, daily outdoor experiences, responsibility.
Children use this experience within their role play and often request to take part in the activity.
Planting and growing has been used to facilitate transition with Primary School buddies.
West Lothian
Carmondean Nursery