Creating a high quality learning environment
Creating a high quality learning environment
Raploch nursery is on a journey of developing and engaging and high quality learning environment. This has been developed over a two year period with an extensive make over and audit of resources within the overall environment as well as an audit of resources for different age groups. The newly developed environment is designed in mind with promoting children's curiosity, creativity and enquiry skills.
Through recreating the full nursery environment ahead of 1140, transformed 3 playrooms environments. In addition to this £9000 has been sourced through various funding bids to build on learning opportunities and experiences linking to our overall aim of developing learning for sustainability practices.
The developing environment has led to children's increased engagement as well as children's independence in leading their own learning. Children are developing curiosity and creativity skills which has demonstrated significant impact in early language development.
The Raploch Community Campus, Drip Road, Stirling, UK
Leeann Finch
Digitize Pathways in partnership with Tablet academy Scotland and Co.Lab Hub