Connecting Play and Learning with Kym Scott
Connecting Play and Learning with Kym Scott
Within Head of Muir Primary School and ELCC we are developing a play based approach in the Early Years and First Level. As part of these developments in pedagogy we have undertaken CLPL through University of Edinburgh's Froebel Certificate and with both Deirdre Grogan, Anna Ephgrave and Kym Scott. In August 2021 we will be moving our ELCC to a newly refurbished part of our main school building and converting our old ELCC space into a new play based Primary 1 classroom with extended gardens. Our Primary 1 and Primary 2 teachers saw a gap in how numeracy was explored through play and undertook an inquiry based approach to developing this with the support of Kym Scott.
Three teachers in Primary 1 and Primary 2 worked together to:
Positive changes that developed within classrooms in the teachers' approaches to numeracy and play.
•Improved maths areas by providing opportunities
for mark making, problem solving, reasoning, interaction using mathematical language.
•Conscious incorporation of maths into most areas of play both through the resources and displays. For example block play (measuring instruments, paper, clipboards), role play, craft table etc.
•A bank of real life objects e.g.pine cones, pasta, pebbles, buttons were provided for the children to support spontaneous counting, adding/subtraction, sorting etc.
From the staff:
Next steps:
“I love to subtract with the stones. It helps me to solve problems quickly”
From the children:
“I like counting to 10 with the gems. I use them to count in 2s…..2,4,6,8,10!”
“I like how I can make symmetrical butterflies with the paint.”
“ I like how we never run out of things to play with. We need to work on our tidying skills though!”
“I’ve got better at maths because I practise. I like maths, it is fun.”
Head of Muir Primary School, Haypark Road, Denny, UK
Fiona Anderson
Digitize Pathways in partnership with Tablet academy Scotland and Co.Lab Hub