CODE RED: Period Dignity - Denny High School
CODE RED: Period Dignity - Denny High School
Code Red was established in 2020 to support period dignity and challenge the stigma around periods within Denny High School. It is a pupil led group with the support of a teacher.
Through monitoring and tracking attendance, it was noted that periods were impacting attendance and as a result, a pupil led group was formed.
Key actions:
Raising awareness:
Seeking feedback:
In June, 2020 after a year of launching Code Red we developed a MS Form for feedback which highlighted that there was an awareness of Code Red within school. This year, monitoring of the number of products being used is being undertaken to calculate on average how many periods we will have supported which will further highlight the success of Code Red.
Ensuring access:
Timelines and plans were created.
See gallery for images of these.
See images below for feedback.
Podcast with Dr Kinkaid - audio resource on period (March 2021)
Interview with Celia Pool - co-founder of DAME - brand behind the world's first re-usable tampon applicator (December 2021)
Further information on Education Scotland website:
Period dignity in a secondary school – our journey
Period dignity in a secondary school: considerations for your setting
Rachael Dickson
Digitize Pathways in partnership with Tablet academy Scotland and Co.Lab Hub