Child Poverty Week Scotland 2021 in West Lothian
Child Poverty Week Scotland 2021 in West Lothian
In West Lothian our Equity Team wanted to find creative and engaging ways to allow our practitioners, children and families to access the themes and key messages of Challenge Poverty Week Scotland 2021.
Alongside Challenge Poverty Week (CPW) Scotland, we planned to create practical resources that practitioners could use at a small group, class or whole school level. These came in the form of 'Blether Bubbles' based on CPW key themes of the week. Our aims were:
The Equity Team made daily challenges, our 'Blether Bubbles', open-ended tasks, for classes and schools (Primary schools and Secondary Schools) to explore or extend in their own ways. These were based on Challenge Poverty Week 2021 7 key themes and were designed to encourage a variety of skills-based learning.
Monday - Now is the Time (Watch and Discuss)
Tuesday - Environment (Look and Explore)
Wednesday - Social Security (Research and Apply)
Thursday - Employment (Make and Do)
Friday - Health (Self Asses and Monitor)
Saturday - Public Services (Create and Problem Solve)
Sunday - Communities (Act and Lead)
Our 'Blether Bubbles' were shared with schools and promoted every day on Twitter. Our schools were encouraged to share their activities with us through the week and we communicated, collaborated and celebrated our children's learning around Challenge Poverty Week Scotland 2021.
Taking part in Challenge Poverty Week has been rewarding and impactful. Due to COVID-19 we led all of our  Challenge Poverty Week activities online  this year.  Our 'Blether Bubbles' allowed us to support and enhance teaching practice around CPW themes. Much of the impact and feedback from our CPW Blether Bubbles was shared online and therefore we have made a 'Snapshot Review' video to summarise this. Please watch below.Â
In summary, our short-term benefits included:Â
Our long-term vision to continue to share this crucial knowledge, learning and approaches will be:Â
Within our photos you will see feedback shared around our children's learning and engagement with our CPW activities. From this we were able to create a 'Number Story' to see how much of our target audience we reached. Additionally we created areas for practitioners to share their experiences of CPW and a 'Where next?' ideas board to achieving equity in our schools and classrooms.
Quotes/Videos/Data included in our 'Challenge Poverty Week Snapshot Review' (please email to see - file to large to attach here).
West Lothian
Karlie Gray