Alva Academy - UN Sustainable Development Goals
Alva Academy - UN Sustainable Development Goals
In preparation for the UNCRC legislation being incorporated into policy Alva Academy carried out a whole staff training in November to raise awareness and further develop knowledge and understanding of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Staff welcomed the opportunity to reflect on their current practice as part of our planning to ensure we take into account the principles into account in all our actions in accordance with legislation.
This shows how we have incorporated UNCRC into social subjects, RMPS and geography, made it part of our Micro Tyco challenge, ran a week focused on the Global Goals and details our journey to becoming a Rights Respecting School.
Social Subjects & RMPS Faculty
A key priority of our Faculty Improvement plan is the inclusion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Learning and Teaching for S1-S6. This includes units of work in Modern Studies and Geography linked to individual goals and targeted lessons across the wider faculty to address themes represented within the 54 Articles of the UNCRC.
As part of their S3 and Higher course our Geography department promote the teaching of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through a single unit. Young people have a clear outline of what the goals are and what rights they have within these.
As part of Global Goals week the department organised a series of events promote the goals and share information on the progress of individual goals. Students organised a whole school staff & pupil quiz and demonstrated the impact of featured goals through the use of visuals and interactive displays in the Hub.
At lunchtimes students circulated around the S4/5/6 year group hubs to teach other students about the global goals. Staff displayed their choice of the most achievable goal by 2030 on class doors as part of a school vote to identify key priorities for Pupil Voice in our School Improvement Voice.
Highlights of our activities were recognised by the UN who praised Alva Academy for our approaches and retweeted us as an example of good practice.
Micro Tyco
Modern Studies
As part of our BGE course students experience a variety of units which incorporate the themes of the SDGs. In particular our S1 Nuclear Weapons, S2 You Decide and S4 Global Challenges units seek to raise awareness on key issues affecting citizens across the world. Our units explore closely the UN Sustainable Goals and UN Rights of the Child, whilst examining strategies to reach these goals, and our effectiveness in doing so. Our S1 and S3 courses culminate in a mock UN role play exercise debating key current issues to reach a global consensus as members of the United Nations. Modern Studies in Senior Phase aims to build upon the knowledge and skills gained in BGE to explore themes of the goals in more depth and incorporate and draw comparisons internationally.
Our journey to Rights Respecting Schools
In January 2022 Alva Academy formally started our journey to become a Rights Respecting School. As part of our school policy and ethos we have pledged continued commitment to model the Rights of the Child in our relationships and our practice.
Highlights of our journey so far include:
Catriona Scott