A Holistic Approach to supporting pupil Health & Well-Being
A Holistic Approach to supporting pupil Health & Well-Being
Following Lockdown 1, March to June 2020, we surveyed families during the first week in August asking about their worries, anxieties in relation to returning to school in August 2020 and also about their mental and physical health & well-being. This was a microsoft form sent home by email. We asked families to discuss the questions together and also placed the emphasis on responses from both adults and children at home. We were overwhelmed by the volume of response and the data gathered supported the development of a unique, creative recovery programme to support all pupil's health & well-being. The large response also showed us that this was an area of priority for families too. Over the past year we have, as a staff, constantly revisited this area and the original plan has grown and developed.
SLT gathered the data and the Health & Well-Being group collated the responses. Each teacher had a copy of their pupil/family responses to use as part of the return to school. The range of worries and anxieties were similar in content. The Health & Well-Being group devised a bespoke, nurturing programme which would be adapted and implemented by all class teachers. Outdoor education developed with a nurturing and health & well-being focus with all classes engaging in effective programmes every week. Focuses aligned with priorities from Learning for Sustainability. The Rights Respecting Group used the articles to inform planning and make links across the curriculum. Pupil voice was ought throughout - virtually and in sessions in individual classes. Principal Teacher undertook training to become a "Mental Health Champion". Staff training in Drawing Therapy. Staff undertook "Place 2 Be" mental health training and this was used to inform planning. Staff took the practical strategies shared to develop positive well-being for all children. We devised a "Play is the Way" recovery plan linked to "Realising the Ambition" to ensure pupils had the opportunities to build their confidence, encourage friendships & relationships and feel safe & secure in school. Established targeted nurture groups for pupils. Pupil led gardening club evolved.
We shared responses with the Parent Council and use this as a focus for discussion in returning to school and planning for the recovery programme. Pupil voice and a child-centred remained at the heart of everything we did. Embedded "What Matters to Me?" for all pupils. Collegiate Health & Well-Being planning amongst staff. Upskilled staff with high quality cpd. Used pupil well-being webs and involved pupils in planning and next steps. Identifying appropriate support for individual pupils. Engaged in pupil dialogue at house meetings. Liaised more with Ed Psy and other partners. Communicated everything with the school community and families.
Pupils and families know that Health & Well-Being is important and a priority for our school. Continued effective communication between home and school. Early identification of support/nurture for individual pupils. Fully informed staff on pupil needs and well-being and upskilled in knowledge and strategies to support pupils and families. Focus on building effective and meaningful relationships to support pupils. A more collaborative, cohesive approach to the health & well-being curriculum that is meaningful to the pupils and responsive to their needs. Linking learning across the curriculum - a less cluttered approach.
Staff Feedback Training promoted thinking more about how we support our children and families with their health & well-being. (SFLA) Given lockdown and a possible increase in children's mental health issues arising it was very relevant and gave me a heightened awareness of different things to look out for as well as ways to deal with this. (Class Teacher) On a personal level the course enabled you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. The topic gently guided you through your mental health can have a positive or negative impact in the classroom. The course dealt with the whole of the child's life experiences, not just in the classroom. (Class Teacher) Pupil Feedback I like that I can talk about my feelings. I just don't want things to be way out of my comfort zone. You listen to what we have to say. Our teacher respects that at times we can struggle. We are respectful by listening to you and you listening to us. You help us to challenge ourselves. Parental feedback I just wanted to say a huge well done to you all as a team. During a very difficult time in all our lives I am extremely thankful to all of you on the way you are looking after our children. Thank you very much for all the information, reassurance and most importantly all your hard work. Thanks for the seamless transition of both our children back into full time education. Partner Agencies I must commend the work that Antonine Primary has been doing. It was a joy to read how the pupils and the local community have been getting involved - ECO Schools Scotland.
Mrs McFarlane & Antonine PS Rights Respecting School twitter page - @RightsPs Main school twitter page - @antonine01 Antonine ECO Group - @AntonineEco #antohandwb www.place2be.org.uk https://healthyschools.scot https://www.unicef.org.uk/rights
Antonine Primary School, Broomhill Road, Bonnybridge, Falkirk FK4 2AN, UK
Jacqueline McLaughlin
Digitize Pathways in partnership with Tablet academy Scotland and Co.Lab Hub